Social Media Services Calgary
One of THE biggest issues we face with clients is a fear of bad comments being posted on their social media platforms. When a client signs up for online marketing maintenance, we give them fair warning that an unhappy customer, past or present, could use the platform to declare their unhappiness to the world.
We explain the process and ability to block and delete these types of posts, but the truth is, you don’t want to do that most of the time. Here are a few examples of when to delete a negative post and when to use it to your company’s ADVANTAGE!
Case Study 1 – The “F” Bomber
A few years back, we had a realtor we were building an online presence for. Posting properties and articles about the real estate market was common and people would share and post on a regular basis as his online community was building. On a daily check-in, we found a recent comment filled with “F” words aggressively attacking our client. We immediately called the client and asked if they knew the person posting, which they did not, so the post was immediately deleted.
Don’t engage with this type of person online – simply delete, block and move on. There can be no traction gained from an aggressive poster with no purpose but to tear others down and exercise their power in a public space.
Case Study 2 – The Wellness “Attacker”
Last year, a client who operates a successful wellness clinic had a negative comment show up on their Facebook feed below an article we had posted on their page. As families were gearing up for back to school in August, we had shared an article about Healthy Lunch Snacks. The client saw the comment and asked for it to be deleted immediately. We took a look – it was an aggressive comment stating “if the clinic was actually posting content themselves they would NEVER suggest the items listed…”
Because the post was getting a lot of traction, we suggested using it as an opportunity to post a blog about the items suggested in the article and the many healthy options to be found in grocery stores. It was a launching pad! The follow-up blog was posted the next day with a link on the original post that received the negative comment. It quickly became a very valuable, highly responded to and traffic creating post for the client!
Choose to respond to negativity and use it as a launching pad to push traffic to your website and increase the profile of your business!
Case Study 3 -The Flower “Complainer”
A few years ago, we were working with a big florist in a major city market. They hired us to do a twelve month start up of their online marketing, taking them from zero to a large online presence. For one promotion, we started a #freeflowerfriday hashtag for a weekly contest and it spread quickly.
One customer went online and made comments about poor delivery and customer service they had experienced. There were two attempted deliveries with no one there to receive them but the customer was blaming the company. We decided to respond favourably to this complaint in front of the company’s online community, apologizing for the delivery misunderstanding and ensuring a bigger bouquet went to the right person. Within hours of delivery, this customer posted again on social media praising the company and thanking them for a quick response and fantastic service!
Negative feedback is an opportunity to respond QUICKLY and show your company’s willingness to put the customer first, fix a mistake and make something right. The positive traction gained from this type of response can be massive!
If you have an online audience, we recommend using it in all its capabilities. If you choose to just delete negative comments, you may be missing out on major opportunities. Negativity is a chance to SHOW OFF and transform the attention into a major positive.
Overcome negative feedback and plan your social media activities properly.
Tell your story today so we can help you!