In the new world of online marketing, it’s much tougher to compete. Fifty years ago you could put up your 50% off sign for the weekend and have a blowout sale! Now you put up a 50% off banner on your website and only a few will actually see it. Search engine optimization (SEO) must be linked hand in hand with industry relative content and online marketing to see results today.
The most common and misunderstood issue we have when building a company’s website is their Google ranking. The number one question is, “When will I be listed and how can I get to page one?” There are many misconceptions about the realities of ranking on the Google search engine and the cost for a new company to get there. The goal of SEO is to communicate your intentions to search engines so they can recommend your website for relevant searches.
As a website design and online marketing company, our job is to ensure our clients don’t pour money into something that won’t benefit their business. For the past ten years, SEO was all about keywords, backlinks and back end work to get a business to the top rankings. It was something that could be bought with enough money and secret minions working in the back end. But now, times are different and Google has made big changes to how they rank websites. Click here for our blog with more details about current Google algorithms and search engine ranking.
Search Engine Optimization Alberta
Instead of charging our clients thousands of dollars for SEO, we suggest doing a marketing review of their industry and their website, then creating overall goals for what and where they would like to be in three years and a plan to get there. We include SEO, but it is not a magic wand! There are so many more options and below are items to consider when seeking a better search engine ranking.
Content – Are you changing/updating content on your website on an ongoing basis? Is the content relevant, usable and engaging?
SEO – Is your website optimized properly using keywords, hyperlinks, site maps, code verification, submission to directory listings, Google analytics, H1-H9 heading tags and does it provide content relevant to your industry?
Online Marketing – What social media platforms are relevant to your company? Are you using social media as a vehicle to bring people to your website?
Looking for a website design and online marketing company? Feel free to contact us today!