Lead generation is a very hot topic and leads these days are invaluable. The dictionary definition for Lead Generation is “the action or process of identifying and cultivating potential customers for a business’s products or services.”
The key word for this is POTENTIAL! A Lead is not a sale – and a marketing company that guarantees you SALES and not LEADS is putting themselves in a very tight place. In today’s online marketing world it is essential to have leads for your business to run effectively and continue on a good growth rate. A Lead can come in different formats. A new option is available on one of the most used social platforms in the world so it’s worth taking a look to see if it would be a fit for your business.
This is not new but might be new to you as they rolled this out a while back. It is a good lead gen option that you can integrate with your email software and generate leads easily. There are pros and cons to this one.
Pro – the user just clicks a button to be added into your list or offers and Facebook Automatically generates the name and email so it’s very easy for the user to sign up. It can either sync to your mail program OR you can download and add them in if you are not paying for an upgraded add on.
Con – it is too easy and there is no double opt in, which can create leads that are not quality leads. You get leads but they may have just been having a moment or just clicked by accident with no intention.
The double opt in creates a quality lead. They must opt in then they get promoted to confirm that opt in via an email. Once they click this they are then added to the mailing list. If confirms that yes, they were interested, and yes, they still are. This person is a quality lead that is interested in the offer of services and is willing to be added to a list to be in touch with your company again.
Pro – you can target your exact audience for the leads that would be most likely to use your services or use your offer.
Con – depending on your industry this can be COSTLY so knowing your cost of acquisition is a must.
Cost of Acquisition is very important when targeting your audience with your offer or services. If you are selling cakes and the cake costs you $100 to make and you are charging $150 then your margin for lead gen is VERY small. You could maybe give $5 for a lead. But if you are a carpet store and it costs you $1500 to install and lay carpet and you are charging $3000 then you might be willing to pay $100 or more for that lead. Knowing your numbers is essential when doing lead generation and investing in that as your marketing option.
Pro – Facebook allows you to create a pixel and upload your email list to their platform which then allows them to follow these users around with more Lead Gen Ads. You can pinpoint them and create a new ad and promote again to these same people that already showed interest. The retargeting is always important since some businesses require up to 7 touches before a client will ever purchase or engage.
Con – because these leads did not do a double opt in, the unsubscribing can be very high which would result in your list shrinking and not being big enough to target.
FB Ads Experts Calgary
Retargeting Pixel is a great way to continue engagement with your lists. You can create a custom audience and use your customer email list for that. Facebook will then retarget these people again and you can create new ads to do so. If you have less then 1000 contacts then you should be careful with your budget. Once you create your Custom Audience, your information will be encrypted to protect customer relationships and you’ll be set to reach more people on Facebook. Your ads manager will also allow you to save this imported contact list within its own CRM. This means you can come back and target to that list again and again with different ads, contests, and emails.
As you can see this may or may not be for you, but it is defiantly a viable option when it comes to lead generation within Facebook. If you have a budget to invest and the time to build the list then give it a go!