Is your website ready?

As of April 21st, 2015, Google’s latest algorithm update includes the mobile friendliness of your website. You might be unsure of what that means or how to tell if your site is mobile friendly. Here’s what it does and does not mean, plus what changes you  may need to make to your website.


Q: My website can be viewed on a mobile device, doesn’t that mean it’s mobile friendly?

A: No. Most sites can be viewed on a mobile device – not the same thing as mobile friendly! Mobile friendly means your site will automatically adjust to a smaller screen size and its format will change from the desktop version for a good mobile user experience.

Q: My website is brand new so can I assume it’s mobile friendly?

A: No, unfortunately not. Some website builders have been creating mobile friendly sites for years now, but some have not. It’s possible to have a new site created on an older platform and it may not be mobile friendly. An upgrade or plug-in install may be necessary to enable your website to adjust.

Q: My website is old, but I have enough business anyways. Should I bother with mobile friendliness?

A: Yes! Google has been researching this and proven that mobile device searches have increased exponentially in the last five years. Forward thinking is key for your company – realize that non-mobile friendly sites will now be down-ranked in search results and customers will immediately leave your site for your competitors due to the inconvenience on their mobile device.

Q: My website doesn’t currently rank on Google searches, so does it matter if I upgrade?

A: Yes, it absolutely matters. Google aside, ask yourself what the main key to a successful business is?Customer service! If your potential and current clients have trouble finding what they need on your website – contact info, location or services offered –  it may cause a loss of business. It takes less than five seconds for someone to get frustrated or annoyed with a website and move on to the next option or search result. You want to minimize that happening as much as possible!


Below are key things we suggest when upgrading or re-designing your site.

  • Mobile Responsive – Your website may be mobile friendly, but does it respond to all mobile device sizes including tablets? Your screen size should adapt whether you’re viewing the site on a tablet, a TV or an iPhone. The screen must adapt and automatically respond to every size without missing parts of the design; it should not become simply a ‘mini’ version of the desktop site.
  • Click to Call– No one wants to search for a company, find their website and then be unable to click on their phone number to call them. An easy phone call to your business is key – don’t miss out by making it difficult for a customer to contact you online!
  • Short Contact Forms – Using a mobile devise to type lots of information can be frustrating. Don’t make clients fill in unnecessary information in order to contact you. Stick with a name, phone number or email, and the service required or question they have. Be as concise as possible with your contact form!
  • Clean Home Page and Options – When someone lands on your site, the main objective is to be clear on what you sell or offer and make it super easy to purchase, order or get in touch. Clear titles, short summaries, special offers and contact information are usually all you’ll need for conversion. Remember, you have a five second window for a future client to decide if they like what they see and want to buy.

Web Design Alberta

In summary, whether you care about your Google ranking or not, you should be focused on customer engagement and their user experience with your website. Keep in mind that customer service is #1 when making considerations and changes to your business!

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